Kate Gray is at it again!  Mammoth’s very own born and raised World Class Freeskier and Mammoth High School FLEX student is once again headed across the globe.  She had the time to meet with us to give us a quick update on her upcoming travels, competition and life!

You just got back from Europe and in several days are headed to China and then Copper Mountain, Colorado.  As you approach these big, World Cup competitions, what is going through your mind?

I just got back from a five-week trip in Europe training in Switzerland and in three different places in Austria. I’m heading to China now then Copper Mountain in Colorado for some World Cup events.  As I approach these upcoming competitions, I find that the most common thing on my mind is just land a run. If I land a run that’s all I can ask for. Obviously falls happen but if I can just land a run, the results will fall into place.

What has been your most memorable competition so far and why?

My most memorable competition so far for me has been the Leysin Junior World Championship in 2022. It’s the most memorable because I podiumed in all three events but it’s also memorable because it was in a super cool location, Leysin Switzerland, with a cool group of team mates and contestants from all over the world.

Growing up in Mammoth, what have you learned from growing up here that you take with you to the World Tour?

I was born and raised in Mammoth so I’ve been riding at Mammoth since I was two years old. Skiing at Mammoth all these years has definitely taught me to ride in all kinds of conditions. Mammoth has quite the variety of conditions and being able to train in all different conditions has definitely helped me be able to train and compete in similar other conditions all over the world.

Do you have any favorite snacks that you keep with you?  And what are some mentionable foods that you have encountered in your travels?

I've become known on the team as a super picky eater so I definitely take snacks with me around the world. I mainly pack Ritz crackers and goldfish so I know I have a good snack with me that I can count on if there isn’t anything appealing to me. I do try to expand my palette sometimes and I’ve tried schnitzel, meat pies, apple strudel which has probably been my favorite so far, but I’m not the most adventurous eater, something I’m trying to work on.

You were injured last year.  Can you tell us how you handled that and what you might have gained going through an injury and recovery?

Last year I broke both of my wrists and ended up needing surgery on my right wrist. I got 2 plates and 15 screws put in. It definitely sucked being out and missing the majority of the competition season. But I think it fueled me to come back stronger. While I was out, I just tried to focus on what I could do. I went to physical therapy as much as I could. I got as far ahead in school as I could so that when I was healthy, I could just focus on skiing. 

You are a great student and great athlete.  How has the FLEX program helped you juggle your sport and academics?

The Flex program has been an amazing tool and huge part of my success. Being able to just do school online when I could and not have to stress about how much school I would be missing it’s been great. Also having the Flex program let me be a normal student when I am around participating in regular school activities and regular high school sports has given me a partially normal high school experience and I’m super grateful for the program.


Thank you to all of our donors who help to support our student/athletes in so many ways.  We are grateful for you and thankful to be able to help our local community.



